Jan 26, 2024
What are Crypto Payrolls and How Do They Work?
Crypto payrolls involve the use of digital currencies, such as Bitcoin or Ethereum, for salary payments. The process typically begins with you, the employer, deciding to adopt cryptocurrency as a payroll method....
Mar 20, 2023
How Do I Send Crypto to Multiple Addresses in One Transaction
Sending crypto to multiple addresses in one transaction benefits both you & the blockchain because it saves time & money. ...a crypto wallet such as Cwallet, which automatically detects errors & alerts you to the error, is required to ensure error-free transactions....
Aug 31, 2022
How To Instantly Complete Bitcoin Transactions Using Lightning Network
how do you complete a bitcoin transaction without taking forever? How do you use Bitcoin to instantly pay for goods without having to pay exorbitant transaction fees? The Lightning Network is a second layer added to the Bitcoin blockchain that permits off-chain transactions....