Oct 29, 2023
What is WalletConnect? How To Use WalletConnect
WalletConnect is a groundbreaking protocol designed to address the critical need for secure connections in the crypto world. It serves as the bridge that links your software wallet to various decentralized applications, enabling you to engage with blockchains and smart contracts...
Dec 20, 2022
Top 5 Web3 & Blockchain Trends to look out for in 2023
In 2023, we can expect to see further growth in the adoption of DeFi, as more people become aware of the benefits of decentralized finance and the potential for creating new financial instruments. This trend is likely to be driven by the increasing availability of user-friendly DeFi applications...
Oct 26, 2022
The Role of Decentralized Apps (DApps) In Web 3.0 Technology
Decentralization aims to eliminate the middleman, allowing the user to directly connect with a movie producer via a decentralized platform; hence, instead of paying a $10 - $20 monthly subscription, the producer may be allowed to post their movies at their preferred amount...
Oct 25, 2022
Decentralized Apps (DApps) - Features, Merits, and Drawbacks
Decentralized applications work differently; instead of using HTTP for communication with centralized databases, they communicate with the blockchain, which is a decentralized database having several nodes (up to hundreds or even thousands) which can hold data over a distributed network...
Aug 09, 2022
APR vs. APY in DeFi: Difference Explained
When investing in DeFi protocols, it is critical to understand both APR and APY. The greater the gap between APR and APY, the more frequently interest compounds....
Aug 02, 2022
What are Metaverse DAOs?
The Metaverse DAO is a decentralized autonomous organization that develops and operates decentralized network games, non-fungible tokens, and other services. The goal is to build strong virtual worlds, a component of the metaverse, engaging games, and decentralized applications (dApps)....
Jun 12, 2022
What Are Decentralized Applications (dApps)?
dApps is an acronym derived from Decentralized Application. This means that dApps are applications that use Blockchain technology to operate in a decentralized way. dApps are built on a smart contract and a front-end user interface, written in a language that their back-end can understand....