Oct 16, 2023
How to Receive Crypto Payments on Twitter
This post explore­s the challenges conte­nt creators face when trying to mone­tize their work and the specific details of receiving crypto payme­nts on Twitter. It covers everything from setting up a crypto wallet to integrating payme­nt features into twee­ts, thus streamlining the process....
Oct 13, 2023
Can I send BTC to my Twitter Followers Without A Wallet Address?
With Cwallet, you have the ability to send tips in various cryptocurrencies, all in a streamlined, easier, and faster process, even to people who have never owned or managed a crypto wallet....
Mar 03, 2023
Crypto Influencer? Double Your Twitter Engagements With These Expert Tips
When you are done reading the comments and have found one that satisfies you, you can simply reply to the tweet with a bot command such as “@cctip_com tip 50 USDT.” Instantly, the person will be credited with 50 USDT, tied to their Twitter username...